3.8. - 26.8.2019 Dinner with Cyclone at Forum Box

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"What would happen, if we start to think, that human beings are not inherently superior to other living things, in a way that encompasses all species; human, seeds, plants, animals and bacteria are part of a system of interdependence. Dinner Party with Cyclone is an interdisciplinary processes of exploring this repositioning.

While we are reaching for bridges in-between nature and mind, animal and mineral, being and matter, we might ask: What if nature would not only be considered a subject of law, but a subject that process information. According to French philosopher, Michael Serres there is something that unifies us with the inorganic elements of nature from the scientific point of view, how we understand the notion of information. It challenges the distinction between human and non-human counterparts. Serres asks: ‘What do we do with information? We receive information, we emit information, we process information and we store information.’ He calls us to listen what is said both by living beings and the sustainability of our planet as a whole, to look for ways to let the planet speak.

Are we able to locate ourselves to be partners of all living beings and all things on the planet…"

Mari Krappala

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